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In-Home Setup & Removal

Not eligible for promotional discounts

We offer the following In-Home Setup & Removal services:

1. In-Home Setup & Removal

2. In-Home Setup Only

3. Removal Only

Check to see if your ZIP code qualifies:
What is In-Home Setup & Removal? How does it work?

Select the In-Home & Delivery service for each eligible item in your order:

Please note: If you have more than one of the same type of product in your cart (two mattresses, for example) you will need to add your Removal or In-Home Setup selection twice. You can do so by clicking the + next to your Removal or In-Home Setup selection once added to your cart.

In-Home Setup
Oh no! The service you selected is not available.
Foundation setup or removal is only offered in combination with the same Mattress service. Select Mattress setup to proceed with Foundation setup, or Mattress removal to proceed with Foundation removal.
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